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An 11-Day cactus medicine retreat in Chavín de Huantar

Connect with your essence and find the light within on this sacred Andean medicine journey
November 15-26, 2024

We invite you to participate in this transformative pilgrimage to Chavin de Huantar, Peru. This journey is an opportunity to connect more fully with your true self, to ground yourself in sacred ceremony, and to offer your prayers.

The ancient civilization of Chavin holds a central place in the Andean cactus medicine tradition, known as "Tsunaq" in the Chavin region and more widely recognized as the San Pedro cactus. Chavin de Huantar was a root of sacred Andean cosmology and served as a place of initiation. Over the course of this eleven-day retreat, you will embark on a profound exploration of consciousness, fostering connection, healing, and personal growth with the guidance of this benevolent medicine.

The Tsunaq medicine assists us in reconnecting with our essential selves and finding our center. It helps us address and transform obstructions within our being, places that require attention and care. Simultaneously, it supports us in cultivating a transformative presence and heightened awareness and connection to ourselves and all life. The result is a journey of prayer and healing, gaining new perspectives, and embracing aligned ways of being.

We will embark on a journey through the heart of the Peruvian Andes, reaching our sacred destination in Chavin. Our adventure begins with a ceremonial fire, uniting us as a group and setting our intentions for the journey ahead.

Our guide for this transformative experience will be Grandmother Cecilia Paniagua, a respected medicine woman and wisdom keeper of these lands. With deep reverence and integrity, she will lead us in three ceremonies with the 'Tsunaq' cactus, fostering a supportive space that encourages self-responsibility and helps us reconnect with our true selves and deepest prayers.

Beyond the ceremonies, we will immerse ourselves in the natural world. Through offerings, plant walks, and the exploration of Andean cosmology, we will deepen our bond with 'Allpa Mama,' Mother Earth. This profound connection to the Earth and its plants will inspire us to take radical responsibility for ourselves, strengthening our relationship with nature and our authentic selves.

Chavin Temple

The Chavín Temple, inspired by the Tsunaq medicine, carries the profound meaning of "The Center."

This ancient temple, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago, stands as a testament to the reverence for the medicinal, mystical, and enigmatic properties of the sacred cactus, Tsunaq. There's no historical record of the Chavín people engaging in military activities, as their initiations were founded on graceful invitation rather than conquest.

The temple's plazas were meticulously designed to enhance and potentiate energy in specific ways. The subterranean chambers served as spaces for retreat and initiation, encapsulating the quality of seeking light within darkness.

During our journey, we will explore the various areas surrounding the temple, briefly entering the chambers. With each ceremony, we will forge a stronger connection with ourselves and with the medicine that has shaped this sacred place.

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The sacred cactus (known as "Tsunaq" in the Chavin region, and also as Huachuma and "San Pedro") holds a cherished place in the history of South America, with a ceremonial tradition spanning at least 8,000 years.

The unique variety of Tsunaq thriving in this region possesses a profoundly transformative essence, facilitating a safe and grounded exploration of consciousness and the healing process.

This medicine is a willing and potent companion and ally on your journey, offering guidance without imposing rigid limits. It gently nudges you to explore your boundaries in a sustainable manner, aiding in your presence and attentiveness to the aspects of yourself that require nurturing, tending and support, all while providing fresh perspectives, newfound directions, and a heightened sense of empowerment.

Apu Huantsan

Pilgrimage to a holy mountain:

  • Offers a chance to acknowledge the vastness of all that exists.

  • Enables us to glimpse ourselves through the prism of archetypal energies we might not have encountered before.

  • Illuminates our position in the cosmos and brings to light aspects of ourselves that are poised to be honored, acknowledged, and embraced."


Meet the Alchemists


Yewyn is a healing arts practitioner and herbalist based in Mt. Shasta and the Peruvian Andes. He completed his studies in Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Over the years, Yewyn has had the privilege of working with indigenous teachers from diverse lineages in Peru, Mexico, and the United States. With 14 years of experience as a student and practitioner of plant medicine and herbalism, his journey is a testament to the healing grace found in the profound interconnectedness of all creation. Yewyn is deeply honored to assist you in your quest to rediscover your true self and attain greater alignment with your authentic essence.

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Grandmother Cecilia Paniagua is a revered Quechua medicine woman from the Conchucos region in Ancash. Deeply connected to the land and her ancestors, she leads Tsunaq ceremonies with profound respect and integrity. For over a decade, Cecilia has been devotedly serving Tsunaq cactus medicine, guiding others on a journey of healing and spiritual reflection.

As an investigator of the Chavin region's knowledge and values, Cecilia draws on her rich heritage to uncover and share ancient wisdom.


Reflecting on her childhood memories and the powerful words of her parents, grandparents, and community, she deciphers the deep vibrations and messages contained within these traditions. Through her work with the sacred cactus and the Chavín temple, she illuminates the cosmovision and enduring ancestral wisdom of the Conchucos communities.


Raul embarked on his journey as an apprentice under the guidance of his mother and the sacred Tsunaq cactus many years ago. His unique path led him to become both an anthropologist and a talented musician.

Raul's artistic expression is deeply rooted in his ceremonial experiences with the Huachuma in Chavin, inspiring him to create numerous songs that reflect the profound spiritual connection he's cultivated. His stories, music, and his very presence enrich any ceremonial gathering. Witnessing the empowered and harmonious mother-son dynamic they bring to these sacred ceremonies is truly a blessing.

Retreat Itinerary


Meet in Lima

Van to Chavin de Huantar


Meet Cecilia and team

Opening circle




Rest and Integration


Visit to Opayaco waterfall

Hot Springs




Hot springs

Stone Carving workshop


Hike to Apu Huantsan




Rest and integration

Hot springs


Closing circle 

Retreat cost $2300

What's Included?


  • 10 nights of shared accommodation in Chavin

  • 3 Huachuma ceremonies.

  • Guided hike to Apu Huantsan

  • 3 hot spring soaks

  • nutritious, vegetarian meals.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner is included on all days, with the exception that no dinners are served on ceremony days and only late breakfast and dinner served on the day after ceremonies.  

  • Ground transportation during the program.

  • Integration sessions

  • English - Spanish - Quechua translation


  • Flight costs

  • Visa costs

  • Lunch/snacks not included

  • Travel insurance or any other travel expenses

  • Additional hotel bookings (if arriving early or staying later)

  • Additional tours/treks/excursions

  • Private accommodation

~~ A note on sacred reciprocity, or ayni ~~

We encourage an attitude of generosity and circulation of giving/receiving, which humbles us to Spirit and opens new pathways to give from an authentic place, trusting we will receive at the same time


This is an invitation for both newcomers to plant medicine and experienced journeyers alike. The unique variety of Tsunaq we will be working with has deep, potent roots and is ready to accompany you on your journey without imposing rigid limitations. It's akin to donning a transformative lens as we are gently guided towards tending to the aspects within us that call for attention and healing.

You will be supported by the presence and expertise of Cecilia, Raul, Yewyn, the majestic mountains, the temple, and the sacred lands. We will provide both guidance and tools for integration and nervous system regulation, along with instruction in the practices of prayer and offering, which you can continue to explore independently.

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